Rise in Netanyahu-Hitler Comparisons and Gaza-Holocaust Analogies on Social Media

15 October 2023
Netanyahu-Hitler Comparisons and Gaza-Holocaust Analogies Emerge on Social Media

A surge of online posts drawing parallels between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Adolf Hitler, as well as equating the ongoing genocide of Gaza with the Holocaust, has added to the online info wars. This wave of comparisons has ignited a fresh debate surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as many people are now pointing out the similarities.

Social media platforms have been inundated with such posts, prompting content moderators to remove some of them for violating community guidelines. However, with celebrities also posting the images, the trend has found traction among those seeking to shed light on human rights violations in the Israeli siege on Gaza.

The use of these comparisons continues to elicit strong reactions from a divided public. Detractors argue that such posts are not in good taste whilst proponents assert that these comparisons serve as a form of protest against Israeli government actions and policies and draw attention to injustices in the region.

The controversy also underscores the complex task facing social media companies in striking a balance between free speech undesirable content. After a long spate of hoaxes, lies and fake news from the Israeli government, it is clear that their second front in this battle is online, where they are fighting for the publics opinion by hook or by crook.